Guides & Reports
The Food and Beverage Market Entry Handbook: UNITED KINGDOM
A Practical Guide to the Market in the UK for European Agri-food Products
Useful Links
Governo Portugal – Brexit
Autoridade Tributaria e Aduaneira – Informação nas diversas áreas aduaneiras e tributárias relacionado com o BREXIT
Ofício Circulado n.º 90031 – procedimentos a adotar relativamente à representação fiscal no contexto do Brexit.
The UK Government has recently hosted the “EU Exit: Business Travel & Movement of People after 1st January 2021″ webinar, if you were not able to attend click on the link to watch the recording. The slides for the presentation are also available for viewing.
Brexit transition: new rules for 2021
Get an EORI Number – You need an EORI number to move goods between the UK and non-EU countries.
Transporting goods from 1st January 2021 – Guidance for hauliers and commercial drivers
Agreements reached between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Union
The European Comission – Questions and Answers on the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union on 31 January 2020
How to get ready for the end of the transition period
Border Target Operating Model – alterações no controlo de fronteiras no Reino Unido
O Governo britânico publicou, no dia 5 de abril, um draft sobre o novo modelo de funcionamento das fronteiras (The Border Operating Model ou BTOM), aplicável a todas as importaçõesRead More
Done deal at Downing Street
PM signs post-Brexit cooperation agreement with Boris JohnsonPortugal’s prime minister António Costa is ‘back in the saddle’ after a few days’ rest, signing a new cooperation agreement with the UnitedRead More
Saldos para os ingleses todo o ano, sem mexer na margem do comerciante
Sim, é possível, com as vendas Tax Free. Os ingleses são há muito os turistas que mais nos visitam, mas foi com o Brexit que eles se tornaram ainda maisRead More
Garland dá a volta ao Brexit
Para responder aos desafios alfandegários provocados pela saída do Reino Unido da União Europeia, a Garland Transport Solutions estabeleceu uma parceria com um novo agente do outro lado do Canal da Mancha para aumentar a sua cobertura no transporte de mercadorias por via terrestre entre Portugal e a Grã-Bretanha.Read More
Saída do Reino Unido da União Europeia
Com o Reino Unido fora do mercado único e da união aduaneira, foram necessários mais de 9 meses de esforço conjunto para se chegar a um acordo comercial que protege-se o essencial do relacionamento entre os dois blocos. Read More
How bi-lateral trade between the UK and Portugal will change from 2021
On 31 December the UK will be leaving the EU Single Customs Union and although reaching a trade agreement with the EU remains a top priority for the UK Government,Read More
Webinar: Brexit Series
The BPCC has launched the Brexit Series of Webinars where we have invited knowledgeable and experienced guest speakers, experts in their field, to shed some light on topics relating to Brexit.