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Will Human Creativity outlive AI?

Power Networking Guests

In another of our series of brainstorming think-tank lunches we organised a gathering to debate the resilience of human creativity in the face of evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business. Over two dozen entrepreneurs, representing various sectors and perspectives, openly discussed their concerns and how they are coping with the rapid advancement of AI in their respective industries. They particularly emphasised the impact on human creativity and their teams.

Professionals from fields ranging from music to architecture, hotel management to retail, and even preschool education to academia, energy, insurance, and investment, shared their experiences and discussed the AI tools they utilise in their business operations. The primary objective was to identify best practices that help preserve human creativity amidst the increasing intrusion of AI in the workplace.

Within the preschool education sector, there was a notable concern about assisting children in critically evaluating information they encounter on social media and discerning reliable sources on the internet. Furthermore, academia has recognised the potential of paid versions of ChatGPT, enabling students to undertake remarkable projects, consequently necessitating a shift in the teaching paradigm.

Several companies confessed that they would cease hiring interns for routine tasks such as creating presentations or summarising meetings, as these tasks can now be accomplished using AI features, resulting in enhanced work efficiency. The current challenge lies in managing fast thinking (automatic and intuitive) in favour of slow thinking, which is crucial for making significant strategic decisions.

The consensus reached by most participants was that there is no longer a distinct “Future of Work.” Consequently, hiring practices must prioritise candidates with skills in data management and the practical use of AI tools for end-users. The recruitment process has also undergone changes, with candidates completing tasks using ChatGPT, requiring companies to verify their authenticity and confirm that they were completed by individuals rather than machines.

Additionally, it was interesting to observe that the new generation includes individuals who resist manipulation by AI, while others comfortably coexist with it. The concept of photography has evolved into the broader realm of image production, and there is an inherent need for symbols or markers that aid people in distinguishing between what is real and what has been created using AI.

The need for regulation emerged as a prominent theme, with unanimous agreement among participants. The future may involve the certification of individuals or experts responsible for ensuring the ethical and responsible use of AI.

For customers, the current challenge lies in choosing between products or services created with AI or those crafted by human hands. Here, the customer’s preferences still hold sway.

The point worth noting is that the challenge for managers is no longer seeking solutions to problems, as AI rapidly provides them. Instead, the challenge lies in identifying problems in an era characterised by misinformation. The utilisation of creativity will no longer be a prerequisite for problem-solving, as AI will handle it automatically.

AI will elevate the question of “How?” to new heights, compelling the exercise of responsibility and wisdom in an age where wisdom has become scarce, and knowledge has been diluted by information overload.

BPCC CEO, Chris Barton acknowledged Rui Catalão as the inspiration for the theme, Luís Silva of Pedra Silva Arquitectos for sponsoring the pre-lunch drinks, Mafalda Marques of Massive Media for writing the summary and Manuel Rosa da Silva and his incredible team at Santiago de Alfama for hosting the event in such style.

We welcome suggestions for themes for future editions of these brainstorming think-tank lunches at which we address issues impacting on the constantly evolving business landscape.


BPCC Chris Barton
Pedra Silva Arquitectos Luís Silva
Atelier Rui Catalão Rui Catalão
Microsoft Manuel Dias (CTO Microsoft)
Galp Frederico Cabral
Farfetch Greg Sherwin
Unipartner Fernando Reino da Costa
Nova SBE / Singularity Programme Diogo Lobo de Carvalho
Streetdrone Beatriz Astride Lopes
Telles Pedro Vidigal Monteiro
Kenton Thatcher Photography Kenton Thatcher
MDS Mario João Vinhas
Area 67 Thiago Barrionuevo
Jesper Carvalho Andersen Jesper Carvalho Andersen
Loja do Gato Preto Carolina Afonso
The Lisboan Martin Harris
Mind Bridges Marisa Lago
Massive Media Mafalda Marques
Carverlon John Gale
Rayo Data Constantine Bychenkov
Santiago de Alfama Manuel Rosa da Silva