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Rua D. Francisco Manuel de Melo 21-1º 1070-085 LISBOA
BT Group plc is the listed holding company for an integrated group of business that leads the UK´s information communication technology (ICT) market; ICT is the name given to a set of products offering companies voice, data and value-added services to help them run their businesses more flexibly and [...]
Main Phone: +351 213 525 511
Alameda dos Oceanos, No.27,1.º Andar, Esc. Nº 5 1990-198 LISBON
We are a global professional services firm that delivers integrated advisory and implementation solutions for geographic expansion, capital allocation, new product development, distribution, and technology challenges to organizations seeking to transform operations, catapult growth and accelerate results through decisive action. We specialise in developing major infrastructure projects worldwide by arranging [...]
Main Phone: +351 916 919 916