Agricultural Machinery & Equipment

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  3. Agricultural Machinery & Equipment
Rua Engº Ferreira Dias, 469 - Apartado 1210 4103-801 PORTO
Empresa fundada em 1935, no Porto, vocacionada para o comércio de tubos, acessórios e válvulas; motores diesel, grupos geradores, moto bombas, gruas hidráulicas, moto serras, instalações electromecânicas, AVAC, cozinhas e lavandarias industriais, instalações electromecânicas. A Pinto & Cruz, Lda tem delegações em : Lisboa, Benavente, Bragança, Luanda, Coimbra, [...]
Main Phone: +351 226 150 500
Avenida Almirante Gago Coutinho 96,  1700-031 LISBOA
TP&A is an experienced Law firm, with offices in Lisbon and the Algarve, that guides it´s professional attitude through a culture of rigour, ethics and technical quality in an effort to privilege a personalized and permanent relation with the client. Ensures proactive and quality law services providing clients with timely [...]
Main Phone: +351 217 981 030