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Guia para estabelecer um negócio no Reino Unido

The UK has always been a major trading nation and partner for many countries around the world. Whilst still maintaining a strong manufacturing base, the UK’s economy has evolved to one that is at the forefront of new developments in technology, biosciences and finance .

Successive governments have reformed the UK corporation tax regime making it more attractive to international investors. This has included reductions in the headline rate of corporation tax, the introduction of a number of innovation incentives (including the Patent Box regime and Research and Development tax credits) and wider reforms that make the UK an attractive jurisdiction in which to do business.

Despite the prospect of Brexit, the UK continues to be a premier destination for inward investment and international expansion. This is supported by the UK’s competitive tax regime, excellent communication links, ease of doing business and access to talent. 

Where a company is looking to do business with or in the UK, the fiscal implications are neither complicated nor overly burdensome. 

This guide concentrates on providing practical information to make it easier for overseas businesses to establish a presence in the UK.

In particular, this guide considers the types of activities that might create a taxable presence in the UK, the procedures involved in establishing a UK limited company or establishment, tax rates, implications for individuals working for a company and other related issues.

The team at Blick Rothenberg are passionate about assisting you with your expansion plans.

This guide is for guidance purposes only and advice should be sought to consider specific circumstances.

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