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R. Agostinho da Silva Rocha 945 4475-451 MAIA
Company Description:

Datafields is a young, dynamic organisation, based in north of Portugal. We are a marketing agency and BPO services provider. We are specialised in marketing support, direct marketing production and BPO activities. Our main customers are from North America, UK, Portugal and from continental Europe. Our services include market research, mystery shopping services, mail production, response handling, order fulfillment and warehousing services. In addition to the above we have a specialist team to provide data management services like marketing database development, data profiling, data cleaning, data capture and other data management tasks. Please have a look at our website for more information.

A Datafields é uma agência de marketing e informática, com uma equipa jovem e dinâmica. Procuramos as melhores soluções para satisfazer as necessidades dos nossos clientes, valorizando o profissionalismo, a eficiência, a flexibilidade e o custo. Para mais informações, por favor visite a nossa página na Internet.


Drª Cecília Rebelo - Marketing Director -